How to Defeat the Giants in Life?

These giants come in a variety of shapes and forms. 

There is a giant called Lust, which attacks men's sexuality.  

There is the giant called Materialism, which wages war against our worldliness. 

There is the giant's Sensuality and Worldliness, which wage war against our humanity. 

There are the giants of Anger and Bitterness, which prey on men's anger and bitterness toward others. 

And there are giants in every other aspect of life: giants in our finances. 

The giants called Anger, Gluttony, Laziness, and On and On wage war against our bodily appetites.

We can't fight giants with other giants; we need to use God's weapons (2 Corinthians 10:4). Let us get the sword of truth and slay this giant once and for all. We do this not by arguing or proving our point but by obeying what Jesus commanded His followers.

"We have a battle to fight and a prize to win." That's what the Bible tells us. So why are we so preoccupied with human methods? It's because, for many people, faith in the living God Himself is not enough. They need something else to hold on to - something other than Jesus Christ our Lord. And that something else is often some kind of "method".

The Bible tells us that Jesus is the only way, but many churches tell their people to "do something" in addition. The message of our generation has become: do this or you'll never be saved; pray this prayer and you will go to heaven when you die; follow these steps and your life will change dramatically. How can we be so legalistic and practice the law instead of grace?

There is something else we can do, though. We need faith in the living God Himself; not in human methods. If we put our trust and hope into anything other than Christ, then there will always be doubt about whether or not it's really going to work.

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