Depend on God's Wisdom for Success: Contrasting Worldly Wisdom and Divine Wisdom

 As we go through life, we face many problems that can only be solved with wisdom. Then the question is, where do we go to find wisdom? Do we look at the world or do we look at God?

There is a lot of advice out there about how to be successful, but is it really good advice? Self-help and self-improvement are at the center of many of the world's solutions, but is that the answer? "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom," says the Bible (Proverbs 9:10). In other words, God is the source of true wisdom.

God's wisdom is not something we can get by trying hard enough. It's a gift from God that has nothing to do with what we've done. We can't get it by studying, working, or buying it. We get it when we look for God and follow His ways.

When we look for God's wisdom, we tap into a source that is much bigger than anything we can learn on our own. "The foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom," says the Bible (1 Corinthians 1:25). In other words, even God's "stupidity" is smarter than the most intelligent person on earth.

One of the biggest differences between worldly wisdom and God's wisdom is that worldly wisdom is focused on the self, while God's wisdom is focused on others. The world tells us to look out for ourselves, climb the ladder of success, and do whatever it takes to get ahead. God's wisdom tells us to love our neighbors as much as we love ourselves, to put others before ourselves, and to serve instead of being served.

There are many stories in the Bible about people who sought God's wisdom and then did well. King Solomon, who was known for being wise, asked God to give him understanding, and he did (1 Kings 3:9-12). Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery, but God helped him become the second-in-command of Egypt (Genesis 41). The apostle Paul once tried to kill Christians. With God's help, he changed his mind and went on to spread the gospel all over the world.

As Christians, God's wisdom is available to us through His Word and His Spirit. We can ask God for wisdom and guidance in all parts of our lives when we pray. When we trust in God's wisdom, we can be sure that He will lead us to success and show us the right way to go.

In the end, let's seek God's wisdom above all else as we face the challenges of life. Let's stop listening to what the world says and instead look to where all wisdom and understanding come from. As we do this, we will be successful, happy, and at peace in everything we do.

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