Joshua asked the sun and moon to stop moving, and they did. This story reminds us to pray boldly and have faith that God will answer our prayers. Joshua's bold request may not have made sense from a scientific point of view, but it showed how much he believed God could do the impossible.

God wants us to bring our requests to Him, no matter how big or small they seem. In fact, He wants us to ask for things that are too big for us to handle on our own. He loves it when we put all of our trust in Him and believe that He can do anything.

When we pray with faith, we show that we believe in God's power and what He says. We're telling Him that we know He's in charge and that we need Him for everything. We are also saying that we believe in His goodness and love for us, and that we trust Him to work everything out for our good.

The Bible says, "It is impossible to please Him without faith, for whoever comes to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him with diligence" (Hebrews 11:6). This means that when we come to God with faith, we make Him happy, and He rewards us for having faith in Him.

God wants us to have faith like Joshua. He wants us to ask for things that seem impossible and trust that He will make them happen. When we pray with faith, we connect with God's power, and we can expect Him to do amazing things in our lives.

Don't be afraid to ask big things of God. Don't hold yourself back by what you think you can do. Ask God for the impossible and have faith that He will make it happen. Don't forget that God listens to our faith and our bold prayers. Jesus said, "If you can believe, then everything is possible for you" (Mark 9:23).

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