God's Greater Restoration: The Grace Revolution Has Arrived

I had a dream in 2001 in which I heard the Lord remark, "The grace revolution has arrived." I believed it was something that would come later, but He made it apparent that it was already here. The Lord then addressed me and said, "I will appoint shepherds to care for My flock, and they will feed them. And My sheep will be free of dread, discouragement, and scarcity "according to Jeremiah 23:4.

God Himself is establishing shepherds in the grace revolution who will preach the gospel of grace with authority and give to the hearers security, certainty, assurance, and confidence so that they will no longer be tormented by fear or discouragement.

If you've been living in doubt, fear, or depression, know that the grace revolution is restoring those lost years to you. He is restoring you in every aspect of your life.

As the Lord restores, He always offers more in quantity or quality than what was lost. Believe the Lord for a 120 percent restitution of anything the enemy has stolen from you.

Why is it 120 percent? It is based on the trespass offering's reparation premise found in Leviticus 5 and 6. According to Leviticus 6:4-5, "Since he has sinned and is guilty...he shall refund what he has stolen, or what he has extorted, or what was handed to him for safekeeping, or the lost object that he recovered, or all that he has falsely lied about. On the day of his trespass offering, he shall return its entire value, add one-fifth to it, and give it to whomever it belongs."

This notion of reparation was needed under Moses' law for individuals who had hurt others. How much greater restoration may we hope under the new covenant of grace, which is "a far better covenant with God, based on better promises" (Hebrews 8:6 NLT)? As a result, we can trust God for a restoration of 120 percent or more!

Take note that the individual brings their restitution on the same day as their trespass offering. The trespass sacrifice represents what Jesus did for us on the cross. Christ became our substitute and was condemned in our place for every transgression we committed, allowing us to freely receive all of God's blessings, including the benefit of restoration.

If you have accepted Christ as your trespass offering, know that God will bring you much more restoration. If the enemy has robbed or defrauded you of the best years of your life, God will give you far more than you had before in that particular area.

He will restore to you the years that the locusts have devoured, and in greater proportion than you can fathom (Joel 2:25). Your best days are yet to come!

Finally, the grace revolution has arrived, and God is preparing shepherds to proclaim the gospel of grace with authority. He restores what the enemy has taken away from us, and His restitution is always better in quantity or quality than what was lost. Believe in Him for a much-needed restoration and that your finest days are ahead of you.

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