How to Find Out What Jesus Is Worth in Our Lives

The most valuable thing that God has given us is our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the perfect example of God's love and grace. Because of what He did on the cross, we can be saved. As Christians, it's important for us to know what Jesus means to us.

Mary valued having Jesus in her life and showed how much she loved Him by putting expensive oil on His feet. We must also learn to value Jesus and show how much we love Him. By doing this, we will experience a grace revolution in our lives and be able to live above every loss, sin, addiction, fear, doubt, and challenge.

Here are some ways that we can find out how important Jesus is in our lives:

Spend some time with Him

We need to learn how to spend time with Jesus, just like Mary did. This means making time every day to pray, read the Bible, and think about what it says. By doing this, we can get closer to Him and learn to appreciate His love and grace in our lives.

Show Him how much we love him.

We also have to show that we love Jesus, just like Mary did. This means that we should use our money, talents, and skills to serve God and help His kingdom grow. When we use our skills and gifts to serve Him, we show how much we love and appreciate everything He has done for us.

Value Him Above All Else

We must learn, like Mary did, to put Jesus above everything else. This means putting God at the center of our lives and putting Him first in everything we do. When we put Jesus above everything else, we will feel peace and joy that we can't explain.

In the end, we can't use money to figure out how much Jesus means to us. He is the most valuable thing God has given us, and all grace, love, and salvation come from Him. As Christians, we must learn to see how valuable Jesus is in our lives and show Him how much we love and appreciate Him. When we do this, a grace revolution will happen in our lives, and we will be able to rise above every loss, sin, addiction, fear, doubt, and challenge.

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