Living Fearlessly: Discovering God's Grace as a Source of Safety and Peace

Stress and anxiety are common reactions to living in a world where so much evil and danger exists. Reports of senseless violence, accidents, and diseases that put our safety at risk are continuously barraged upon us. It's only natural to worry that we might be next.

But we Christians have access to a refuge and a peace that the world cannot give. That we are guarded by the God who never rests is a theme throughout Psalm 91. We need not be frightened by the night terrors or the arrows of the day.

Knowing God is around us isn't enough to feel safe and secure, though. We have to have faith in the God of peace, who has the power to dispel any anxiety or concern.

While Romans 15:33 assures us that the God of peace is with us, verse 20 of the same book promises that Satan will soon be crushed under our feet. As we come to know God as the God of peace, we can enjoy this level of safety and tranquility.

And elegance is the key to that type of calmness. Grace is God's unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor, and there is nothing the devil can do to earn or deserve it. When we place our trust in Jesus and His atoning sacrifice for our sins, His holy blood covers and protects us.

Because of God's grace, we are entitled to His complete protection, so we might walk in divine health and safety. When we put our faith in God's mercy, we can go about our lives without worry, secure in the knowledge that God will provide for us no matter what.

If the cares and concerns of this world leave you feeling nervous and overwhelmed, take heart in the fact that you have access to something that can provide you with shelter and tranquility that this world cannot. Put your faith in the God of peace and His marvelous grace, and you will be set free to face life without fear.

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