The world we live in can be a frightening place. There are numerous things that can make us feel fearful and apprehensive. There are numerous reports of violence, natural disasters, and pandemics in the news. We are inundated with images of pain and terror on social media. It's easy to become engrossed in it all and feel overwhelmed.

We have a tremendous weapon against fear as Christians. Psalm 91 is a lovely prayer of protection that reminds us of God's promises. We are told to "live in the secret place of the Most High" and "abide under the shadow of the Almighty" in the very first verse.

But what does "dwell" or "abide" in the secret spot mean? It implies consciously choosing to trust in God's love and protection. It means trusting that He has everything under control, even when everything appears to be falling apart.

We are in a state of rest when we are sitting with Christ. We are no longer striving to win our salvation or God's favor. Instead, we are placed at His right hand, where we can reap the benefits of being in His presence.

This is more than a spiritual idea. It has practical consequences for our daily lives. When we are fearless, we can face any situation with confidence and tranquility. No matter what we are going through, we can have faith that God is with us.

We may be a source of hope and encouragement to others around us when we live fearlessly. Even in the midst of adversity, we may share the love of Christ with others.

So, how do we live in the Most High's secret place? It all begins with a conscious decision to believe God's promises. We must feed our brains with His Word and reflect on His affection for us. We must devote time to prayer and worship, allowing His presence to fill us with calm.

We can confront any obstacle with confidence and optimism when we are rooted and grounded in God's love. We can be confident that we are seated with Christ and that His powerful protective hands are over our lives.

So, today, let us choose to dwell in the Most High's secret chamber. Let us live fearlessly under His love and protection. And let us share Christ's hope with others so that they, too, might know the peace and joy that comes from being seated with Him.

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