Have you ever felt as if you were drowning in negativity and hopelessness, unable to break free from the clutches of fear and doubt? It's easy to become engrossed in our own issues and begin believing the enemy's lies, but God has given us the ability to see beyond our circumstances and tap into His truth.

Learning to see through God's eyes does not include ignoring reality or pretending that everything is fine. It is a matter of changing our viewpoint and viewing our situation through the prism of God's promises and reality.

Therefore, how do we begin to see through God's eyes? Here are three essential steps:

Consult God's Word.

The Bible is the cornerstone of our faith and our source of truth. We renew our brains and match our thinking with God's thoughts when we study and reflect on His Word. Hope, healing, provision, and restoration are all promised in His Word. We activate His power in our lives when we believe and declare His promises.

Ask for God's viewpoint.

We occasionally require a new viewpoint on our situation. We can ask God to reveal us His perspective on our situation and to help us perceive His hand at work. He will reveal His truth and wisdom to us as we pray and seek His counsel.

Surround yourself with people who share your faith.

We rely on one another to support and encourage one another in our faith. Surround yourself with people who will give your situation life and truth. Visit a church that preaches the Word of God and allows you to connect with other Christians. Join a small group or Bible study to share your experiences and pray for one another.

We can have a different perspective on our challenges when we see them through God's eyes. Instead of focusing on the negative, we can focus on His promises and trust that He is orchestrating all things for our good (Romans 8:28). We might regard our shortcomings as chances for Him to make His strength perfect in us (2 Corinthians 12:9). We might regard our difficulties as an opportunity for His grace to abound in our lives (2 Corinthians 9:8).

"Anything is possible for one who believes," Jesus declared in Mark 9:23. We can experience God's power and breakthrough in our lives when we view through God's eyes and believe in His promises. Let us choose to view through His eyes and believe that He is capable of far exceeding all we could ask or conceive (Ephesians 3:20).

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