The Holy Communion: Dedicated to Life and Health

When we hear the word "holy," we may associate it with something religious or archaic. The actual meaning of holy, on the other hand, is to be set apart for God and unusual. This blog will look at how holy Communion can set us aside from the rest of the world and provide us divine health.

The Uniqueness of Holy Communion: Holy Communion is more than just a religious ritual; it is a specific time of intimacy and communication with God. Every time we receive Holy Communion, we allow the Lord to separate us from the world and bring us closer to Him.

Divine Revelations into the Power and Importance of Holy Communion:

We allow the Lord to make a difference between us and the people of the world when we have a deeper grasp of the power and significance of holy Communion. We don't have to endure normal illnesses because God has made us unusually healthy, whole, and healed.

The Promise of Unusual Health: God has paid the price for us to be exceptionally healthy in a world that is withering and dying of illness. According to the Scriptures, "as our days, so shall our strength be" (Deut. 33:25), and we can even return to our youth (Job 33:25).

The holy Communion is a powerful and distinctive time of intimacy and communication with God. We allow God to set us apart and grant us divine health by partaking of it with divine insights and understanding. As you participate of the holy Communion, may you be set apart for life and health. Amen.

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