The Holy Spirit convicts Christians of righteousness rather than sin.

Do you have trouble distinguishing between the enemy's condemnation and the Holy Spirit's conviction of sin? It's a common question among Christians, but the solution is more straightforward than you might expect.

The Holy Spirit, in reality, does not convict believers of their sins. He convinces them of their righteousness in Christ instead. When you fail, He reminds you that the blood of Jesus has completely forgiven you and made you eternally righteous.

It is critical to examine Bible scriptures in their context to fully grasp this topic. When Jesus indicated that the Holy Spirit will come to "convict the world of sin," He was referring to those who reject Jesus and His completed work. They are persuaded of their sin of unbelief by the Holy Spirit.

When Jesus, on the other hand, indicated that the Holy Spirit would "convict you of righteousness," He was talking to His followers. The Holy Spirit reminds people that they are God's righteousness via Jesus Christ.

Righteousness is achieved via faith in Jesus Christ, not through our actions. Our correct believing, not our right acting, makes us virtuous. So if you miss the mark, the Holy Spirit isn't there to point it out or badger you. He instead consoles you and reminds you of your righteousness in Christ.

The Holy Spirit is not a judging power. He is here to assist and guide you in your Christian path. He brings understanding and revelation of God's grace and the power of the cross. Every time you fail, He is the Comforter who points you back to the cross.

Remember, Darling, that the Holy Spirit is your Helper. He has come to remind you of your eternal righteousness in Christ. He will never criticize you or bring out your flaws. He is here to console you and lead you to the truth. So rest in the knowledge that you are God's righteousness in Christ, and let the Holy Spirit to guide you into a greater awareness of His grace and love.

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