The Waterfall of Forgiveness: A Story of Continuous Cleaning

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who liked to play in the woods near his old hut. She was poor and didn't have any toys to play with, so she played with whatever she could find. One day, she found a beautiful stone with a smooth, shiny surface that she could hold in her hands.

The child thought the stone was so valuable that she hid it in a deep hole under some bushes. She hurried to find it the next day, but it had been buried and was dirty and dull. So, she took it to a nearby creek and washed it, and it was clean again. She did have to wash it every day, though, because it was always dirty.

One day, she had an idea. She put the stone between two rocks near a small waterfall with a steady flow. After that, the stone was always cleaned, and she never had to clean it again. Each time he got it back, it sparkled in his hands.

When you accepted Christ as your Savior, you became a living stone put beneath the cascade of His blood. And, like that little boy's stone, you are constantly washed by Jesus' blood.

In 1 John 1:7, the Greek tense for the word "cleanse" suggests a present and continuing operation. This indicates that the blood of Jesus cleanses you from the minute you accept Him. Because of Jesus' blood, you are always kept clean and forgiven, and you are always walking in His light.

Thinking that you must constantly confess your faults in order to be right with God would simply increase your sin-consciousness. But, knowing that you are always under the cascade of Jesus' cleansing blood will keep you pardoned. And knowing that you have been forgiven of all your faults will give you the power to reign over every damaging habit and live a triumphant life!

So, today and every day, let the waterfall of forgiveness wash over you. Allow the cleansing blood of Jesus to keep you walking in the light and living a victorious life.

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