What the New Covenant Is Based On

Our connection with God is built on the new covenant. It is a covenant of grace, which means that it is based on God's mercy and love rather than our own merit or works. As Christians, we are called to live under this covenant and reap its benefits. So, on what does the new covenant rely? Let's dig deeper into this subject.

The new covenant is founded on God's promise to be merciful to our wickedness and to no longer remember our sins (Hebrews 8:12). This is a significant divergence from the previous covenant, which was founded on the rule of law and human endeavour. People had to labor hard to keep the law and win God's favor under the ancient covenant. They were never able to fully obey the rule, and as a result, they fell short of God's expectations.

The new covenant, on the other hand, is founded on God's love and mercy. We are saved via faith in Jesus Christ, not through our own efforts (Ephesians 2:8-9). We cannot earn God's favor or salvation, but it is freely given to us through Christ. This is because on the cross, Jesus bore the punishment for our sins, and through His sacrifice, we have been reconciled to God.

As Christians, we are called to live under the new covenant and reap its benefits. This means that we are called to live in the freedom of God's grace, knowing that our faults are forgiven and that God accepts us. We are also called to obey God's commands, not to gain His favor, but as a response to His grace and love.

God's kindness and love are central to the new covenant. It is based on God's faithfulness and grace rather than our own merit or works. We can experience the fullness of God's gifts and walk in victory in all area of our lives as we live under this covenant.

Thus, if you're feeling guilty or condemned, realize that God's mercy and love are bigger than your sin. You can approach Him and accept His pardon and grace. You can walk in the freedom of the new covenant and enjoy the abundance of God's gifts in your life. Remember that the new covenant is founded on God's mercy and love, and it is accessible to you right now.

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